这是一段从自制的GPS轨迹记录仪中(单片机)中读取数据并显示出来生成Google map的轨迹图的VB6代码
Private Sub Command1_Click() ' 保存输入子串的缓冲区 Dim s As Date Dim SS As String Dim S1 As String ' 使用 COM1。 MSComm1.CommPort = 3 ' 9600 波特,无奇偶校验,8 位数据,一个停止位。 MSComm1.Settings = "9600,N,8,1" ' 当输入占用时, ' 告诉控件读入整个缓冲区。 MSComm1.InputLen = 0 ' 打开端口。 MSComm1.PortOpen = True ' 将 attention 命令送到调制解调器。 Text1 = "" s = Now MSComm1.Output = "$READALL|" Do DoEvents 'Buffer$ = Buffer$ & MSComm1.Input S1 = MSComm1.Input SS = SS & S1 If S1 = "|" Then Text1 = Text1 & SS & vbCrLf SS = "" End If Loop Until InStr(SS, "OK") ' 从串行端口读 "OK" 响应。 ' 关闭串行端口。 MSComm1.PortOpen = False MsgBox "接收完成! 耗时:" & Format((Now - s) * 24 * 60 * 60, "#,##0.00") & "秒" End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim Row_l Dim itmx As ListItem Dim i As Long Row_l = Split(Text1, vbCrLf) ListView1.ListItems.Clear For i = 0 To UBound(Row_l) If Len(Row_l(i)) = 32 Then Set itmx = ListView1.ListItems.Add itmx.Text = Left(Row_l(i), 2) & "-" & Mid(Row_l(i), 3, 2) & "-" & Mid(Row_l(i), 5, 2) itmx.SubItems(1) = Mid(Row_l(i), 7, 2) & ":" & Mid(Row_l(i), 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(Row_l(i), 11, 2) '处理+8的时序 If CDbl(Mid(Row_l(i), 7, 2)) + 8 > 23 Then itmx.Text = Format(CDate(Left(Row_l(i), 2) & "-" & Mid(Row_l(i), 3, 2) & "-" & Mid(Row_l(i), 5, 2)) + 1, "yyyy-MM-dd") itmx.SubItems(1) = Format(CDbl(Mid(Row_l(i), 7, 2)) - 16, "00") & ":" & Mid(Row_l(i), 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(Row_l(i), 11, 2) Else itmx.Text = Left(Row_l(i), 2) & "-" & Mid(Row_l(i), 3, 2) & "-" & Mid(Row_l(i), 5, 2) itmx.SubItems(1) = Format(CDbl(Mid(Row_l(i), 7, 2)) + 8, "00") & ":" & Mid(Row_l(i), 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(Row_l(i), 11, 2) End If itmx.SubItems(2) = Mid(Row_l(i), 13, 4) & "." & Mid(Row_l(i), 17, 6) itmx.SubItems(3) = Mid(Row_l(i), 23, 3) & "." & Mid(Row_l(i), 26, 6) End If Next End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim i As Integer Open App.Path & "\TEMP.KML" For Output As #1 ' 打开输出文件。 Print #1, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" Print #1, "<kml xmlns='http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2' xmlns:gx='http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2' xmlns:kml='http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2' xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'>" Print #1, "<Document>" Print #1, " <Folder>" Print #1, " <name>TEMP</name>" Print #1, " <open>1</open>" For i = 1 To ListView1.ListItems.Count Print #1, " <Placemark>" Print #1, " <name>" & "20" & ListView1.ListItems(i).Text & " " & ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(1) & "</name>" Print #1, " <Point>" Print #1, " <gx:drawOrder>1</gx:drawOrder>" Print #1, " <coordinates>" & Mid(ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(2), 2, 4) & CLng(CLng(Mid(ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(2), 6)) / 0.6) & "," & Mid(ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(3), 2, 3) & CLng(CLng(Mid(ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(3), 5)) / 0.6) & ",0</coordinates>" Print #1, " </Point>" Print #1, " </Placemark>" Next Print #1, " </Folder>" Print #1, "</Document>" Print #1, "</kml>" Close #1 End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "日期" ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "时间" ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "经度" ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "纬度" End Sub